I've spent a month reorganizing after taking my little siter to college. I really miss her but call her twice a week.
I'm trying to adjust to not having a tv so i started going to the library and checking out videos. There are still two tapes from the last series of "All creatures Great and Small" I havent seen. Bad timing on my part hehe.
Then someone suggested that I buy rabbit ears. Well there are only a couple of channels that I really miss since I lost my cable. PBS is one and now I get the brit coms on Saturday night and all is right with the world. (wish they would bring back "To The Manor Born"*little sigh*).. and I checked out the book: Andrew Wythe's Helga Series. I poored over it.. studied it.. did 4 watercolor paintings..not yet as good as his..and started this oil of ponies.
I cant belive I finished it in three sittings. But then horses to me are like writing my name sometimes. I dont think I got the colors right when i resized it .. but at least you all can see it.

See more of Linda L. Martin's work at www.llmartin.com or see her other blog: Linda'sArt News
to view the 14 paintings of Las Lonely Girls and See her exhibition schedual for the Fall.