I cant believe that nearly 4 months have passed since my last post on this blog! Believe me it wasn't on purpose. First I got caught up in Christmas, then right after finishing a rushed commissioned portrait for a dear friend's birthday my mom enters the hospital for "DOUBLE" knee replacement. This was January 13th.
After the operation I spent every day with mom until January 18th when I caught the flu. I cant believe I caught the flu. I was still taking antibiotics for the secondary infection as late as last week. My cough is finally gone. But I missed the entire month some place. I finally was able to visit mom in the Hospital Rehab two weeks before she was able to go home.
It was really tough for mom. She lost her ability to see, to write, to stand. The drs say most of it was due to the medication. She is one brave and feisty lady! She fell once in the hospital and twice at Rehab. I found out about it once my fever was gone and I could visit her again. Needless to say I didn't get much painting done over the winter. And here it is only a week before my first selling exhibit of the year and Im rushing around trying to get the paintings done, framed and take mom to the Dr and pick up medical equipment.
Its kind of exciting though. I will never forget my amazement when mom stood up straight for the first time in maybe 8 years. And When she walked down the ramp to the car for the first time! True she was using a walker. But she did it and fast too!
She is doing strength exercises now. She just needs to increase her stamina and get stronger and she will be ready to boogie back to work! She is graduating to two canes this coming week .. Well as soon as I pick them up after the holiday. She is pretty excited about it.
Thanks everyone who prayed for us during this time. Please keep on praying for us too.
For more information about L.L.Martin and her art, check out her website at
http://www.llmartin.com/ or her other blog at