Sunday, December 14, 2008
My Little Christmas Tree at the Shoppes of Culpeper
Christmas Time At the Shopps Of Culpeper
See more at
Friday, September 19, 2008
Another Part of the Mural
Wall Mural:The View from the Front Door Entry Hall.
The Dogs on the Mural
More of the Mural
What I did for my summer Vacation: Painting a Mural
Monday, July 21, 2008
One of my favorites from the Mini Murals to Go!
We had hoped to have it finished by our July 19th event but I stopped being super human at about 25 years old. Anyway I will post that one too when Its ready.
If you are in the area please stop in at the Country Shoppes of Culpeper located at 10046 James Monroe Hwy on 29 south of Culpeper,Va If you need better directions, google maps works nicely. Email me at contact@llmartin if you are going to be in the area and let me know how you liked the work.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Also Available at the Country Shoppes of Culpeper Fine Art Reproductions by LLMartin
There are a variety of reproductions of artist Linda Martin's originals, priced for collectors, in wide price ranges starting at $3.oo for Art Trading Cards. Included on display are framed and ready to frame prints of watercolors and other works on Canvas and paper and graphite drawings of a variety of popular pets. Currently we are limited in size to 8.5 by 11 as the largest print we can offer.
New this year LLMartin Artistic services is offering Blank note cards. Each package contains 8 blank cards of the image of an original work of art by the artist and 8 envelops. Currently we are offering them for an introductory price of $12.49 a set. We also hope to sell them through our on line Gift store. Watch this space to see when they will be available.
Paintings on Display At The Country Shoppes of Culpeper by LLMartin
Views From The Country Shoppes of Culpeper July 19th event
Among other things offered at the Country Shoppes of Culpeper, the Space occupied by LLMartin Artistic Services has original paintings, Such as Mini Murals to Go , note cards from originial paintings and Fine art reproductions of original work. This grouping is of the non partisan Vote series celebrating the rights of all US citizens to participate in the political process.
The Country Shoppes of Culpeper are located about 5 minutes South of Culpeper, Virigina on Rt. 29
Whew!!! Im Glad for a Breather!
Thankfully, I have a grant for some of what I am doing or I never would have survived this long. I do see that I need another grant and/or some very large commissions to take me trough the rest of this year and next year. Nothing is certain in this world and especially in this economy. Nothing expect the knowledge that God is faithful.
Several Months ago when faced with the challenges and uncertainty of moving from Warrenton to Remington I remember crying out to God for Mercy because at times the stress was unbearable. There were so many people pulling at me, so many people making decisions about my life and I had no control. And God comforted me with his Spirit. He said in his still small voice speaking to my intuition, "I will remove every obstacle in your path so that it will be as though the obstacle was never there".
I stood on that promise each time Some disaster struck to prevent me from moving forward with the process. I am still standing on that promise. God Challenged me again this month with :" Watch how I will provide for you!" Each wonderful promise he gives me I cling to like a spiritual adornment spoken like his words of love for me. I look forward to the day when I can paint those worship paintings, too.
But for this month I've lost track of how many paintings I had to accomplish. An 8 foot by 6 foot mural which I hope to finish tomorrow morning and provide pictures here. The lighting isn't very good for photography there. Hopefully later this week I will have posted the pictures of the mural.
The lion painting is waiting for approval and hopefully will also be shipped by the end of the week. We had a lot of delays trying to complete it because I had to move three times in the last three months ( my home, my studio, and my public gallery venue) and because its an oil painting it took each layer twice as long to dry because of the humidity. We had a tremendous number of rainy days and storms up until last week.
Its one of the reasons I try to allow 6 to nine months for oils. I don't like to use all those fancy driers or new fangled water base oil paints simply because no one knows how long they last or if the drying will be uneven and cause the entire painting to separate from the canvas. Some people have no problems with them. I've seen some real nightmares too ,when work by other artists was totally destroyed several months after the painting was delivered. I painted him the old fashioned and slower way.
If you would like to see the Lion : go to and scroll down to the works in progress link under the international counter. All of the stages from the approved drawing to the nearly finish product are there.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Where Have I been?
I hired a wonderful assistant 6 weeks ago. She is amazing. she knows all sorts of stuff and is game for nearly anything with in reason. Its really motavational to work with some one that driven and creative. She is also about as nuts as I am, in a good way of course. I wont go into details but I will say to her credit she has an excellent sense of adventure when problem solving a delemmia. Its a very good trait! She is an absolute treasure and I am very lucky to have her.
Having said that She and I are rushing to get the new space ready before July 1. I will be opening my new dealer venue at The Country Shoppes at Culpeper as soon as we can get the instilation infrastructure in place and move the Art work in. Ive got about 3000 paintings in several locationsin storage, now I gotta sell them. My assistant is just as motivated as I am about getting the work out where it can be seen.
Our first Publicised event will be July 19th in Culpeper. She and I are looking into at least one event a month from September until Christmas. In additon to Original Art we will also be offering for sale Greeting Card Gift sets and Open Edition Fine Art Reproductions from Original Paintings . You will be able to see both in the WWW.LLMartin.COM web site Gift Shop in a few days. Watch this space to see when the updating is complete.
In addtion to all this work I am also still painting a couple of nights a week during the Lakeland Outpouring. Im very busy right now so I havent had time to list the new paintings. But one painting I made into an ACEO/ ARt Trading Card and offered it on Ebay this past week. It didnt sell but I got 78 hits. I put a breif history of the Outpouring and the meaning of the symbolism on the card. Interesting that no one emailed me. Too busy I suppse. Stil....
I also have some digital images from my studio. It will be a (pardon the pun) work in progress for quite a while. Especially since I am activly creating art while trying to organize it. To look at my desk you might think that organization is the least of my priorities. I will put up some of those pictures too ... and very soon.
well until next time... (waves) God give you more of Himself In Blessings, Knowledge, And Peace.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I have pleanty to do in the mean time including a wall mural for one of my long term clients, training my assistant and going to my niece's graduation on Saturday.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
by Linda L. Martin copyright©2008 All North and South American and World and Electronic Rights Reserved by the Artist
For more information about this work please email
Back Story:
What a night. The entire praise band was on the floor tonight all under the Glory. I was thinking well maybe I should do a painting of Roy on the floor. I am still bummed about missing his session last saturday. The live feed wasnt working and I never did find if they recorded it.
I found out tonight that I will be sending some of the reproductions of this work to Todd and His wife. My seed. I dont have any money to donate but God gave me tallent and some small resourches so I am planting on Tuesday!(This is a holiday weekend the Post offices are closed until Tuesday next week.)
So tonight they brought back the guy with the prosthetic legs. Lastnight he could see through his glass eye. Tonight his legs had grown so much that his custom made artifical legs wouldnt stay on. AND the friends who came with him told him his eye looked like it was bulging out. He not only can he see but he feels like a new eye is growing.
I wonder what it must feel like to have all these changes in your body and realize that the hand of God is on you. You are helpless and awed. And things are happening in your body that are bringing about a complete change in your life. Angels are all around your ministering to your body and spirit. The very hand of God is upon your body and restoring it to what he originially intended it to be. Glory Glory Glory!!! To the living God. Thank you Jesus!
Todd Spoke about digging ditches in a dry valley and that they would be filled up even though there was a drought. Then the rains of God's glory would come. ( there is a verse in the Bible he read but Im really really tired, maybe I will look it up another time) Imagine in this dry thirsty world all filled with death and hopless ness God is seeking out people who are hungry for his heart to pour out his love, healing Glory etc too. And the way you keep it for your self is to give it away.. because you cant outgive God. he just keeps filling you up and overflowing you. wow! Thankyou Jesus!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Poured Out Anointing: Inspired by Lakeland Revival, Todd Bentley
Art Inspired by Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Outpouring
9" x 12"Acrylic on Watercolor Paper
$300.00 Original; Signed prints on Demand $25.00 each
Painted 5/23/08 during live five feed of the event: Lakeland Florida Outpouring
For more information about this work please email
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tsunami Rain: Lakeland Outpouring, Todd Bentely, Roy Fields
Tsunami Rain: Anointed Outpouring of God’s Glory
Art Inspired by Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Outpouring
9" x 12"Acrylic on Watercolor Paper
$300.00 Original; Signed prints on Demand $25.00 each
by Linda L. Martin copyright©2008
All North and South American and World and Electronic Rights Reserved by the Artist
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Touching the Glory: Painting inspired by Lakeland Outpouring, Todd Bentley
Art Inspired by Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Outpouring
9" x 12"Acrylic on Watercolor Paper
This painting was brought about by a testimony from one of the women who was healed during Saturday night’s event.
She Said,” I looked up. The fiery chariot of God appeared above me. I just reached up and touched the Glory. When I did I was healed.”
Interesting isnt it that healing is so simple. Just as salvation is simple. All we have to do is reach up and receive it. Thank-you Lord for your mercy and Your Amazing Grace.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Worship ARt from Idaho
Electronic Impartation:Todd Bentley, Lakeland Fla Outpouring
$300.00 Original; Signed prints on Demand $25.00 each
Painted 5/15/08 during live five feed of the event: Lakeland Florida Outpouring
by Linda L. Martin copyright©2008
All North and South American and World and Electronic Rights Reserved by the Artist
The Back Story: Electronic Impartation
Thursday night was such a weird night as far as painting was going. First I am inspired to paint this painting of Prayer: the OPEN Heaven.
Next I am prompted to painting one of Impartation. Now the weird thing about this impartation painting is that just minutes before Todd Bentley called attention to those of us watching the Lakeland Outpouring via the internet. He gave a blessing and impartation to the Healing virtue, evangelism and raising the dead. Then he blew toward the camera. I knew immediately that I needed to paint that.
Well as most of you know who have seen worship paintings or painted them they happen really fast. Within minutes I had the painting laid out on the paper. I kept seeing in my spirit Todd’s hand on the computer screen.
While I was painting the Pastor of Ignited Church was reading testimonies from his laptop as he often does for a brief time during each session.
Within seconds I had painted Todd, and I kept seeing his hand touching the computer screen. In side I was fighting it but it wasn’t seconds after I painted Todd’s hand on the screen that he placed his hand upon the screen and began praying a prayer of impartation over all of the people who were watching over the internet and over all those who sent in emails for this impartation of healing, evangelism and miracles. My prayer warrior buddy was on the cell phone also watching. But watching on God TV. I said “WOW! You won’t believe this! I just painted Todd’s hand on the computer screen and then they showed it on TV!”
Usually there is a few seconds lag on the showing and when it actually happens. So I am guessing that I must have had the vision of him placing his hand on the TV at about the same moment he actually did it.
I think the purpose of this interesting coincidence is that God is trying to train me through his spirit to pay attention to the visions he gives me in order to strengthen my faith and to share my testimony of it. I’m expecting that things similar to this will have more often. I don’t think that I am the only one they happen to either. I would love to hear from other artist’s that are having experiences like this while executing worship paintings.
Also check out the website:
Friday, May 16, 2008
Open Heaven, Art Inspired by the Lakeland Fla. Outpouring and Todd Bentley
by Linda L. Martin copyright©2008
All North and South American and World and Electronic Rights Reserved by the Artist
Back Story of this Painting:
No part of this posting may be reproduced without the express written permission of the Artist.All Rights Reserved. Please contact the artist at for more information.
Also check out the website:
UPDATE: I missed the first part of the Outpouring coverage this evening(5/17/08). A friend told me that Todd was back after being in California. She said he told everyone that the Spirit and the Glory were not strong in California, like they were in Lakeland. The reason was because in Lakeland they were experienceing an open heaven. How strange that I should paint it two days before he pronounced it in Lakeland. Glory to God! His mercy endures for ever.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Streams: Lakeland Florida Outpouring Todd Bentely
$300.00 Original; Signed prints on Demand $25.00 each
Painted 5/13/08 during live five feed of the event: Lakeland Florida Outpouring
It was pretty amazing tonight. The wonderful presence of the Lord, all over me as I watched.
Bob Jones was there, like some un educated wilderness prophet from out of the wilds of Appalachia. Yet … he was the elder. And Todd Bentley was the student. There was one beautiful moment when Todd looked at Bob and eager child hanging on every word of the elder statesman, the wise man, the Prophet. Todd looked so young and Bob was healthier than I have seen him in a long while.I wasn’t able to hear much of what was said. Some prophecies were confirmed that my prayer warrior friend and I had received earlier in the Month.
But the thing that dragged me back to my task: was the streams.. the nameless faceless multitudes of peoples from all economic, ethnic, race, and denominational backgrounds that were streams moved into place by the Holy Spirit to merge into one flowing river of people united, not because they come together by their own work or effort but because the Holy Spirit leads them right to the place that God wants them. They are unified by the same one Holy Spirit that Christ sent to keep us company, teach us, and give us discernment until he returns to gather us up into himself.
Also check out: LLMartin on Ebaysearch: LLMartin on
Monday, May 12, 2008
Resting in Worship: Lakeland Outpouring Inspired OOAK Art
Tonight in Lakeland the mood was different. The awe inspiring realization that you can not do it yourself, that with out God things wont be accomplished. The Pouring out.. of God's Spirit of Glory can only come with a heart that is made pure .. having repented and being receptive to the will of God.. one must worship.. then wait, resting in his glory and He works the change in you. Renewed heart and mind.. focused on him, his love, his compassion, his joy, his desire, his power, his grace.
Worship of God, through Christ Jesus is the only way this can happen. And God will pour out his glory upon you... and pour it as a stream to rest in.. nourish your spirit and renew your heart and mind. And when you are ready and filled and overflowing with this wonderful Glory... he leaves with in you the burning fire of his passion..that only power by which anything true and purposeful in his will is accomplished.
Also check out:
search: LLMartin on Ebay
search: LLMartin on
search:LLMartin on
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Lakeland Outpouring inspired Art: Nothing but the Blood
by L.L.Martin copyright©2008
All electronic, world and North and South American rights reserved.
May 9, 2008
It was so awsome to see on live feed vid all those people across the grass at the air field, the hungry, the poor, the rich in the spirit of God, those who needed spritual healing , those who needed physical healing.. thousands... spread out across the darkened field and off in the distance were white flags of worship waving in the dark and reflecting the light of the stage like beacons in the dark, covered in the blood of Jesus, fired by the anointing fire of the holy spirit, and the glory falling upon them like a blanket of love and power to take with them.
Its in the atmosphere. In the praises of the people, It filled the place. Glory to the Living God. My favorite moment was when the people sang the name of Jesus in worship and adoration. Its so amazing that the people of God for that breif time.. are unified in the worship of God. Isnt that a prophetic hint of sorts..that the way we are truely united as a body.. past physical limits, racial, cultural, denomination is not through some concious act of deciding to come together, but in the total abandonment to the worship of the Lamb. Whew! Thats not emotion thats the Atmosphere God abides with us in.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Angel of Glory:Lakeland, FL Outpouring Inspired Art by LLMartin
I missed alot of the meeting tonight because we were under a tornado watch and connection issues on the God.TV web site were causing freezes and delays. I did get to hear about Todd Bently telling everyone to hold hands and he would touch one person and the anointing would flow through each person. he also talked about the whirlwind angel. Funny thing was I painted it(the angel) like 15 minutes before he said it. It made me laugh at how prophetic these paintings can be sometimes. Glory Glory to the Lord God Almighty.
It was really good to see Roy back tonight. He really has such a gift for leading worship. The two days he was gone must have done him good because the atmosphere he provided seeped like a gushing torrent right into my studio tonght. Very very awesome!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Drink in the Freshness of the Holy Spirit
Painting for May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Just a thought for Christian's Criticizing the Revival
“But if it be of God, ye can not overthrow it; lest ye be found even to fight against God.”
Acts 5:38-39
“Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.” 2 Timothy 2:14
shhhhh bestill and know God. We are directed to test the spirit not criticize the man. While bragging is a horrid form of pride, criticism is its brother and worse still, a highly destructive form of pride at that. If you are concerned about what you are seeing and not understanding then pray about it. God keeps his promises and will give you wisdom. If you truly trust God, then give your concern to him and let him handle things his way least you show yourselves faithless and marked as hypocrites. How then does that Glorify God?
Monday, May 05, 2008
Pouring Out: Lakeland Outpouring Revival Inspired Art
The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Lakeland Outpouring Revival Inspired Paintings
This ACEO is to symbolize all that Christ offers us in his love, and to show that he sent His Spirit as a gift to all believers so that we would know that he loved us, will never abandon us, and that he will return! The Glory of God wraps around those who love him. His fire burns with in them.
The King Is Coming: Lakeland Outpouring Revival Inspired Paintings
That Healing Touch: Lakeland Outpouring Revival
Healing Fire: Art inspired by the Lakeland Fla Outpouring
No this is not the buring man celebration!
Ok now I admit these look a little weird. But most of the testamonies at the Lakeland Revival talk of burning and fire of God flowing through them.
Is there Biblical presidence for this?
Absolutely. In Acts 2 the is a testamony of the Holy Spirit falling on people and appearing like toungues of fire on each person's head.
Once this appeared on the people waiting for the Holy Spirit to come, they went out and thousands were presented the good news of Christ Jesus and received him. In this case this represents the Healing fire. (yes most of my figures here wear baggy jeans and t-shirts. If you remember the old "GoodNews for Modern Man" Bible with all its stick figure illustrations these seem to be a step up from that.)
Eagles and Fish: Lakeland Florida Outpouring Inspired Art
The first night of the venue change to the Tiger's Stadium in Lakeland, Florida as the opening announcements were being made, suddenly three eagles with fish in their mouths astonished the crowd by flying over the ball field. The God TV camera panned to the trees the three had landed in and like some amazingly timed prophetic symbol all the world could see them sitting in the trees on the other side of the stadium.
I wasn't a first hand witness, I watched it on my computer with 100 million people in 156 countries. Its an interesting end time twist. That we can see this amazing outpouring in a History making proportion on line, over the air ways, linked by satellites. But its not the same as being there. I'm there in spirit until God changes something in my life. I'm there praying for everyone concerned, partnering a widows might of intercession. and Sitting here in Remington Virginia painting my heart, documenting what I see and what I experience. Crazy...maybe .. but in reality God has no limits. I'm so loving it. The back log of commissions I am working are getting daily attention too. My painting is getting better for it.
Here are the three eagles with three fish. In three ACEO sized One of a Kind paintings one eagle and one fish in each. You can contact me at: or watch the revival on 7pm to 11pm edt.
Lakeland Healing Outpouring Insprired Art
I've been watching the Lakeland Revival with Todd Bentely and his group on over the internet for the last couple of weeks. Suddenly as I'm watching and( yes working ) I find myself painting these really cool horses.
If you know your Bible at all, horses and horse men are symbols representing God sending out a move to bring about his will and glory among people.
The first horse represents the Horse of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The second horse represents the outpouring of the wisdom and healing from God.
The third horse represents the outpouring of the fire of passion for God. I am sure there are more horses to come representing the outpouring.
The thing is I dont know what to do with all these paintings. They are all standard ACEO size of 2.5" by 3.5" Acrylic Polymer on Watercolorpaper. Should I sell them or just keep on collecting them. If you are reading this give me your input at There are 17 outpouring miniature cards as of 5/5/08. I expect more to come. If I decide to sell them I really feel that I need to tithe part of it into God TV or Todd Bentley's Fresh Fire Ministry. The revival is awsome and I feel like Ive been so blessed because of it. Check it out if you havent already. Cannel 365 on Direct TV or on the web. The Florida Healing Outpouring is on from 7.00 pm to 11pm EDT,
Outpouring Horse
Whew what a trip! And no I am not on Drugs.
Feburary was filled with recertifications, on housing, and my Pass and wouldnt you know that about a quater of the ebay sellers decided to have their annual strike at that time. So here I am going into March and the housing people said.. you gotta see this house.
Well I looked at it. And needless to say it took 27 days to move lock stock and barrel. (pictures to come) The house is amazing. It has a built in studio! A huge yard. and the first night I was here it was like I had lived here all my life. I love it!
So this week I am finally trying to settle down into a really great rutine. Where I work hard on painting.. train my new assistant.( im interviewing this week) and maybe make some serious goals come to pass. (like keeping up with this blog every week) Ive got a bunch of stuff to put up on this.. especially some new work in a new direction. So watch this space. The winds of change are truely blowing!!!!