The First Progression: STUDIES OF HUMAN FACES.
I have always thought that human faces are my weakest point.
These study details from work I did last fall show the style I am aiming for with
my impressionistic work. There are lots of brush strokes with strong plays of light and dark. I love the idea of lots of drama and suggestion even in the simplest and most intimate action rather than photographic like representations.
I have always been a Conceptual person. Meaning I understand and create in concepts
Rather than try to deal in hard-core details. This grabs the essence of the subject matter or the event and leaves a personal interpretation to the person who views the work.
On the other hand God made me both a Dyslexic and Nearsighted.
I couldn’t see a detail even if I did recognize it.
On the other hand: Discipline of being an artist forces me to, even in my imperfect way practice my craft until I do see the details. To practice and practice until it becomes second nature so that a mere thought provokes a stroke.
The unsatisfactory thing about these two paintings and others I did at the time is that, while you can see the concept of females. You cannot tell if they are old, young or middle age, you cannot see them as actual people because they are generic representations more so than having a graspable characteristic of a specific person.
So now I take myself back to school to paint faces, and learn how to represent individuals as oppose to the concept of a generic individual

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