Its Christmas time and I have 35 students to find Christmas presents for. And due to some sort of administration error one of my contracts isn't paying me as much as we thought soooo its just a good thing I'm an artist.
Each one of those clothes pins represents about 10 to 15 3" by 5" Watercolors. Well except the land scape.. those are oils and there are only 6 of those..for teachers aids and such. I have to say.. I am grateful that I'm blessed with talent or I would never be able to pull this off.
I sure hope the children love them. Its so hard to tell when they reach 12. Before that you can pretty much keep a child in awe because they haven't figured out yet what they can do. Now they are pushing the limits at ever turn seeing not only what they can get away with but what they can do with out your help when you show them how.. Its really kind of neat.

Dont forget to check out my website at I have prints of the Christmas Fox there and there is still time to order *S*
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