An Art Trading Card (ATC) and Art Card Edition or Original (ACEOs) is limited only in the size.
The standard is that it must be a work of art or reproduction that fits into the average sports trading card sleeve: 3.5 by 2.5 It can be any medium as long as it fits the standard.
Personally I have seen everything from bias relief sculptures to stained glass art to stone carvings and quilts in this Art Format. I use it quite often to practice for larger works of art. They tend to sell quickly and they are inexpensive enough for anyone of any age to begin collecting.
As the story was told to me when it was suggested that I start producing this sort of work, as far back as 1500's in Europe, Artists would make small works of art and trade them among themselves so they could study each other’s style and brush techniques. This was an inexpensive way to use scrap materials laying around the studio without going to a lot of expense, which artists could ill afford anyway especially under the Patron system.
Of course we all remember bubblegum cards of the 1950's and 1960's. I colelcted a few of those Monkee's cards myself as a child. Not to mention the Baseball cards that people everntually sold for thousands of dollars.
As for myself. From 2005 until 2008 I painted and sold over 1500 of these little original works of art both through local venues and online. I heard later that one frame shop in the region was kept busy for a summer season predominantly framing my little original watercolors of rabbits, horses, and piggies.
To See More of My Very Cute ACEO's check out my Spring Things in my Etsy Store: LindaLMartinArtist.etsy.com or Search LLMartin under Handmade in Etsy to see all my work and Portraits. If you dont see what you like and have an idea just convo me in Etsy.
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