I’m also trying to figure out how to obtain a new car if the old one breaks down. I’ve had my little purple car for 11 years. Admittedly, its seen better days, but I think I might salvage it and repair it if I can fund it in some way.
I’ve figured out that I need to sell about 77.071 $25.95 quick studies to keep it road worthy. A friend just called. She bought one. So I only need to sell 76.071
Of course if someone would just commission a $2500 painting that would solve a lot of problems right there. Or they could just buy "Strike the Gold" from my hall wall.
That painting has been following me around since I painted it in 1991. I wonder if I really don’t want to sell it for some reason.
I used to live 5 minutes from the Training Track and had an open invitation to hang out in the morning for workouts, to photograph. Some really awesome horses ran past me on those mornings. Not to mention Hall of Fame trainers and riders. Salt of the earth and amazing stories. Some of the nicest people and the hardest working people I've ever met. And oh the horses! Breeder’s Cup horses. Derby winners.
I lived in the house where Penny Tweedy's Aunt used to live the 5 years I was in Middleburg. My dad inspected the house when I first moved in and pointed out that it had an unbelievable security system at one time. I happened to mention to Mrs. Tweedy that I was living there, when I met her at an event commemorating Secretariat's achievements sometime later. To this day what she told me has to be my favorite amusing story.
"Oh yes, we gave my aunt Secretariat's Triple Crown bowl. It was just another trophy to her. She kept it on the dining room table and put fruit in it. “That my friends, is vintage Middleburg.
Ah, the joys of being a non-agented independent artist and writer with no visible means of support.
I’ve been remembering my time in Middleburg with some fondness as I watch the daffodils opening. I remember attending the churches there and then coming home to the mountain to have Easter Dinner with my parents and siblings.
April also brings the promise of a wonderful race and new champion horses on that first Saturday in May. Easter brings the reminder of a loving God who gave his only son that we could all have a future and a hope with him if we desired it. Is there a connection? New Beginnings. Clean slate.
Of course there are obvious differences. But really they are both heart issues.The brightest and the best don’t always receive the win. Sometimes the fastest are so intimidated by the personalities of the other racers that they falter at the finish. Sometimes there is a startle event that can range from interference on the rails to a simple shadow at the wrong time that distracts the runner. Yes, training and fitness and track play a big part in the running of races but when it comes down to it, It’s the heart desire of a racehorse that brings him to the win.
My favorite verse: “Do not put your hope in men who run in the face of the enemy, nor in horses that fall beneath you in battle, but put your faith in the Lord Your God who Gives you Victory.” ~David, the First King of Israel 1010-970 BCE
"We are saved by Grace not in and of ourselves That God would be glorified in the Son; For THE Son took all our sins upon himself that by his blood we are cleansed and by his stripes we are healed."
"For God So Loved the World that He gave his only son, so that everyone who believes him, shall not perish, but will have everlasting life."
"We are saved by Grace not in and of ourselves That God would be glorified in the Son; For THE Son took all our sins upon himself that by his blood we are cleansed and by his stripes we are healed."
"For God So Loved the World that He gave his only son, so that everyone who believes him, shall not perish, but will have everlasting life."
Thank you for sharing your blog about home and horses and the new identity in Christ. Another difference: the Kentucky Derby winners are known for what they themselves accomplished, whereas our identies as Christians comes not from what we've done, but what Jesus Christ has done for us.
A well trained race horse will only perform what its trainer and rider tells it to do, and we Believers need to hear and heed the voice of our Abba.
Have a joyful “Resurrection Day.”
I really enjoyed your story and the art/photography to match. You are right.. Jesus is the only way. His love was poured out so that we might live.
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