At first I wasn’t going to rise to the occasion. It felt strange, like some sort of sacrilege to write one more memorial song, one more memorial essay, to do one more memorial painting or one more memorial video. And then as I do when something affects me deeply I prayed about it. And God began to touch my heart and show me that we had lots of warnings for both events yet we didn’t believe there was a problem and those in leadership didn’t pay attention, they just kept appeasing us and telling us we didn’t have anything to worry about, that they were taking care of everything. We were naïve, but we aren’t anymore.
So in 2002 I wrote this poem: "Remembering 9/11
( Please click the Image to see the poem clearly)
Linda - I think that we should always remember this day - and writing, creating artwork, speaking up and praying for the families of those who lost their lives are great ways to do that! Love the poem =)
I agree Kathleen. Im glad you liked the poem. =0)
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