Monday, April 22, 2013

My Brilliant Attempt at the New Cheesy Potatoes

Here are the images of Before and after. You might want to cook those spuds for a while before you put the cheese in. Just sayin.
Three Small Idaho Spuds at 375F for 45 minutes in a Convection Oven


MYSAVIOR said...

They look delish!
Back in the 80's when my girls were teens-we used to go to the mall a lot. You know teens and shopping.
A stuffed potato place opened and we ate there since they were new to us and delish.

Linda Martin said...

I remember when Wendy's started to do the stuffed potatoes. So good. It was big but I sure dont remember them stuffing them with cheese before they cooked them. Later our parents used to have a baked potato night in which we put everything we could think of on those potatoes. It was fun and ohhhh so good!