Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The First of the Yard Bunnies of 2013

I was out walking Jorji, my little foster dog, one evening a few night ago. I was a bit later getting home than anticipated, so I turned on the front porch light and walked him in the front. And who was out there but a very chubby wild bunny eating the greens on the front lawn. So much warm weather and everything is pretty green here even on the third week of January. In fact this little bunny was so chubby if I had not known he was wild, I would have thought he might have been someones well fed pet rabbit. It was really sort of cool though to imagine that the rabbit was dining in the porch light like someone who was dining at a restaurant courtyard in the evening. Ive always had a sort of fondness for bunnies.  One year I painted rabbit after rabbit and even though I do paint far more horses it was my rabbits that seemed to sell best that year.

Yard Bunny #1
4 by 6 inches Graphite on #110 Paper
Original by Linda L Martin Artist
$35.00 On Etsy
Prints are also available

Yard Bunny #1
4 by 6 inches Graphite on #110 Paper
Original by Linda L Martin Artist
$35.00 On Etsy
Prints are also available

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