Thursday, May 08, 2008

Drink in the Freshness of the Holy Spirit

Drink In the Holy Spirit
9"x12" Acrylic Polymer On Watercolor Paper
Originial $300. Signed Reproductions on Demand $25

Painting for May 7, 2008
Lakeland Revival.
Something was differnt tonight. Like there was some sort of sadness and struggle going on. Todd seemed to be struggling and moving in his own effort. The worship time was different too. It was vintage I-hop Kansas City. We delight in the Lord when we praise him.. the music seemed to be about what we could get from God, not what we should give to him..
Grant it we cant give much .. because we dont have much to give .. except praise....
I will praise you O Lord from early morning, I will recount your excellent greatness, The stars and moon were crafted by your hands. The sun, the sky the sea. Each of my thoughts will turn to you and all you have done in your mercy and grace.
I am but a tiny spot on a small speck and yet your thoughts are with me, your hand guides me with your favor. I reach out to you, My God, my King ,Lord of Everything; Humbly I cry out to you to fill me with more of yourself so that I will not depart from you but will willingly cling to the God who loves me and is my everything.
Thank-you Jesus.

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